

The DNA Clock & The DNA Lifeboat


Birth can be considered the ‘tick’ of an organism’s internal DNA clock. The ‘tick’ has two functions. The first is to specify an individuals life span and secondly to limit the number of generations a species has as a whole.


Death provides essential conditions for DNA survival. It prevents an over crowding of an ecology by organisms with strands of DNA (or RNA) that are superseded by better equipped conjugations of DNA present in the offspring of individuals.

The only real measure of success that DNA is interested in is whether DNA continues to exist or fails. A partial measure of this success can be estimated at the death of an individual.

There are two elements to this estimation.

  1. Firstly, an individual can be sum-mated as a list of actions that were favourable to DNA’s survival and those that harm its continuation. Therefore, it is not merely procreation that favours survival of DNA but also the actions of all other individuals that come into contact with an individual, that allow the next generations to flourish and/or perish.
  2. The other measure of success is that the offspring that survive a particular individual are sum-mated at their death to be favourable or harmful to the survival of DNA.

At ‘different‘ times the ‘same‘ action or offspring could either favour or harm the continuation of DNA as a whole, depending on the ecological niche the organism is evolving within. Both generalisation and specialisation have their part to play in this success.

The judgement of an individual ‘in these terms’ is at once calculable, but underestimated at death, but continues to be re-calculated and refined as each new generation adds it’s score of viability at the end of their life.

‘Thus, we are finite in our sequence and infinite in our consequence.’

Mat Jupe

Science Fiction: The DNA Life-boat


An entity created DNA as a Life-Boat. It is the solution to surviving the finite set of physical laws that we call our space time universe. The DNA lifeboat will be used until conditions become favourable again and the entity can un-pack itself from the DNA lifeboat and experience the physical conditions it most enjoys.

Perhaps the rarefied nature of space time at present would normally extinguish the entity that wishes to survive these conditions. Just as Homo sapiens developed clothes to allow it to survive temperatures that would normally kill an individual organism, DNA itself is a phenotypical expression of a consciousness that remains dormant whilst conditions are unfavourable.

The entity uses external materials and mechanics, found in the universe to form external adaptations (organisms) to allow it to continue to adjust and change in order to survive as the universe progresses to another set of favourable conditions for the initial entity.

Mat Jupe


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